• Seth Sign-In
  • Seth Import
  • Seth Gradebook
  • Seth Student View


    Seth is a grade reporting system that was written for and used for a couple of years in the bachelor modules of Computer Science and BIT at the University of Twente.

    It supports reporting of the status of sign-off exercises and grades of regular tests. By design, the valid range of regular grades is completely configurable, which allows for example to communicate points for individual exercises of tests or amount of attendances of a series of lectures.

    seth import


    Grades can be imported into the module through upload of a single spreadsheet.

    A template spreadsheet can be downloaded, but one can use their own spreadsheets if desired, as long as some identifying columns and header rows are present.

    seth gradebook

    Grade Release

    After uploading, the imported grades can be inspected to check whether the grades have been uploaded correctly. From here, the grades can be released to the students, after which they can be seen by the students when they log in. When grades are released, a template email is shown that can be edited in place and sent to all students, notifying them of the release.

    seth sign-in


    Students can see their grades by logging in with their student login credentials. Also the maximum achievable grade is visible.

    seth student


    Seth was built as a Design project by Tim Kerkhoven, Kevin Hetterscheid, Gerwin Puttenstein, Jasper van Rooijen and Martijn Verkleij. It is released under a 3-clause BSD license, and published on Github.